The Never Ending Winter | Snow Day Pictures

In early March, we had enough snow to close the schools.  Truthfully, the roads were fine but every child had their fingers and toes crossed, praying for a snow day and thankfully our school district obliged.  Our winter has been long and cold. We've had snow here and there but not of the typical big blizzard variety so this was the first {and likely only} snow day they will have this school year.  We were lazy.  It was just me and my 2 little {well, one little, one medium} guys for the day.  Soup simmered, we watched movies, kept the fire on, and I drug out the snow suits and boots one more time.

Though I'm definitely over winter, there is something magical about snow, even when it falls in March.  More magical in December, but still something to behold.  Especially wet, heavy snow that clings to all the trees and branches, almost like icing.  Charlie spent the late morning outside with buddies, Elliot + Carter.   They attempted snow fort building, but were more successful at just eating or throwing it. After about and hour and half outside, they hastily stripped out of their wet clothes in exchange for superhero costumes and raced around Carter's house before, ever so briefly, pausing for lunch.  The best part about these three is that they get along so well together.  I can almost look at these pictures and imagine them 10 years from now still hanging out.  Their Mamas happen to be two of my favorite people too.  It's such a serendipitous thing when that happens!  You can't force it - sometimes you want your children to be best friends with your friends and it just doesn't click.  We all live steps from each other houses and all three will be in kindergarten in two years.  I do look forward to watching this trio grow up together.

I know it's only a matter of a few years before they start walking to each other's houses or school, riding bikes together to the pool, or sledding down the hill at Dale Park without us.  (Maybe by then us mamas can actually have a conversation without an interruption every 20 seconds. :))  Truthfully though, it will happen faster than I think and faster than I'm prepared for it to happen.  Andrew is my proof of how quickly the little years disappear.


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