My Sweet Savannah's PB2 Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today, I'm excited to share a recipe from the lovely Melaine, who writes the blog, My Sweet Savannah.  I can't imagine there are too many of you that don't know of Melanie and her beautiful home.  But if by chance you are, hop on over and check it out. Stat.  While Melanie is off vacationing in Hawaii with her family {no, not jealous, not one tiny bit jealous} she invited me to share a recipe of hers on my blog.

I haven't had a chance to make these yet but hope to very soon.  In fact when I first got her email about PB2 cookies I thought they had something to do with Pottery Barn.  Haha.  Apparently, this stuff has 85% less fat than traditional peanut butter. {fist pump!}  You can buy it here.  Well, I just love a secret ingredient and it's only a bonus if it happens to be better for you too.

Melaine, please send some of that sun and warmer temps our way.

ps. to all of you that left such kind remarks on my last post, please know that Andrew and I read and appreciated each and every single one of them.  xoxo

Dress-Up Days at Preschool


"it's make your mamas proud time"