Happy New Year | Live Simply + Eat Well

Christmas ended and no sooner were we blasted with freezing weather bringing the first kiss of wintry snow.  I piled blankets on top of down comforters, added chapstick to backpacks and coat pockets, we went ice skating {a first for Charlie}, and made snowmen and now angels.  

The snow was a bit too short lived and has long melted away.  This afternoon Charlie and his friends stomped in massive mud puddles at the park without a jacket.  Crazy climate.  I hope 2013 has gotten off to a happy start for you!  I've read so many posts on new year's resolutions, theme words for the year, reflections on life, etc.  All very beautiful and all very inspiring.  And while I love the idea of ushering in a clean slate each January, I tend not to be big at making resolutions.  For the last year or so, I've felt a real and genuine tug to live more simply. To be more conscientious of how we spend our time, our money and our energy.  To be more present and attentive to one another, to be a bit less connected to the virtual world and all it's addictive time zapping attractions, and to make life special in simple ways for the people I love the most.  Sometimes I fall short {whining and ungrateful behavior can make steam come out my ears} but there are a couple things that I think I do relatively well , one is cooking and the other is reading to my boys.  Mealtime and bedtime are two of my favorite times of the day. When they are grown they'll probably say their mother was always in the kitchen {and her closet and car were a disaster} and she read me the best stories.  I know meal planning and cooking are on many resolution lists this year.

I do a weekly meal plan and this time of year I ALWAYS have soup worked somewhere into the week.  It's easy, makes enough for left overs, and it is so comforting.  I grew up eating potato leek soup.  When Jimmy and I were dating he'd often come over for dinner, the first time he ate my Mum's potato leek soup he was forever changed.  He LOVED it.  It was one of the first requests he ever had for soup when we got married and I've been making my Mum's recipe ever since.  He prefers his soup on the thick consistency side, but you can thin it with more broth if you prefer.  It will not alter the taste.  Hope you enjoy it just as much! Here's to a new year, to living simply and eating well!

Potato Leek Soup
4-5 leeks, chopped, white and light green parts only
8-9 potatoes {I use red}, peeled and quartered
1 small onion, diced
1 TBS butter
8 cups chicken stock
salt + pepper
cream and parsley to serve

Melt butter in stock pot or dutch oven. Add onion, leeks and potatoes and saute for 5 min.
Add chicken stock, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer with lid on for 40 minutes.  Remove from heat and let stand 15 minutes.
Strain veggies and RESERVE LIQUID!
Put veggies and 2 cups soup back in stock pot and puree. Stir in reserved broth till desired consistency. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Ladled into soup bowl, swirl with a little cream and top with parsley.
I toasted some baguette croutons in olive oil and salt/pepper to add to mine when I had it for left overs the next day.  So good.


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