Cute Winter Clothes For Boys

For Christmas this year we are attempting the four gift plan with our boys: a WANT, a NEED, a WEAR and a READ.  I've seen a few bloggers write about their plans to do it too.  I'm already struggling with only one WANT, and I fear the WEAR will be met with less than enthusiastic responses.  I'm thinking we'll end up with 2 wants, a wear and a read and skip the need.  Are you following?  Sorry, typing my thoughts.  Anyway, coming up with clothing is not difficult for me.  Just this week we got a new {to me} catalogue from Next Direct and I thought their boy clothes were A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!

Here is a small sampling of a few of my favorites!  I had to share because I know there are a lot of boy Mamas that read this blog too.  Here is a link to the website  It's bit like a cross between Boden and Crewcuts.  I'm hoping the quality is too!

Edible Love | Christmas Baking | Cute Packaging


Recipe | Triple Chocolate Biscotti