Recipe | The Perfect "Sunday Dinner" Roast

When I redid my blog design several months ago and indexed my recipes, I became very aware that the majority were either breakfasts or desserts.  Interesting, because I prepare dinners more than anything else but photographing them is another story.  For one thing, it is darker outside, making photography without a flash more challenging, plus I am busier at dinner time, entertaining Charlie, helping Andrew with homework, all while chopping and stirring, so stopping to take pictures isn't always possible or fun.  However, I personally use my blog recipes all the time and having them at my fingertips, versus rummaging through my recipe box, is a real time saver -- I WANT more main courses on here, even if the pics aren't so great! This is definitely one of those recipes that I will double check often in the coming colder weather months, when a proper Sunday dinner, full of comfort food, is in order. It is easy, makes the house smell amazing, and everyone loves it. The cooking trifecta! Growing up, Sunday dinners were always special and I try {doesn't always happen} to do the same.  It is a nice way to end the week, gathered around the table, filling up on a favorite family meal before we tackle the week ahead.  I've been making pork roasts for many years, but my Mum recently updated her recipe and I followed suit.  The addition of roasted vegetables is so good.

The Perfect Sunday Dinner Roast
1, 2-3 pound boneless, pork loin roast {2 pounds is enough for a family of 4 and still have left overs}
2-3 large carrots, chopped in 2 inch chunks
1 large onion cut in eighths
a few sprigs of fresh thyme
Kosher salt
Sweet paprika
Fresh ground pepper
Olive oil
Chicken stock for deglazing

To start, sprinkle the roast with salt, pepper, and a little paprika.
Then brown the roast in olive oil on all sides in an oven proof skillet, over medium high heat.
Add chopped carrots and onion and a few springs fresh thyme, under the roast and around the pan and place it in a 350 degree oven (or 325 convection roast)...

Cook the roast 20 minutes per pound.  Remove and check temperature. {the roast usually requires and additional 10-20 minutes at this stage}  I cook mine to 160 degrees.
Remove from oven. Remove roast and cover with foil to let it rest.
Remove vegetables and set aside.

Place pan back on stove,  over med low heat. Careful, the handle will be HOT!
Deglaze pan with chicken broth and scrape up little brown bits.  Let it reduce a bit, and you'll end up with a delicious pan sauce.

{browning the roast before placing it in the oven keeps it super tender and juicy!!}

{not the most appetizing picture, but trust me, it's DE-licious!!}

PS.  I know you are anxiously awaiting kitchen pictures!  I'm sorry to keep stringing you along.  I will post pics when window treatments are finished.  A few weeks longer. Hopefully, it's worth the wait!!


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