Our Weekend | I Know It's Autumn When...

The second week in October is alway the most beautiful week of fall in the midwest.  Typically, the air is crisp and the skies a pretty blue.  It has long been my favorite week of the year.  I don't think I truly appreciated it until I was in college in Indiana and I would walk to class under a shower of falling leaves.  Ever since then, I look forward to this week all year.  This weekend the skies were a bit hazy and the weather sort of unpredictable, but the colors were still spectacular!   A favorite book of mine to read to Charlie this time of year {and to Andrew when he was younger} is "I Know It's Autumn."  The begining of the book goes, I know it's Autumn when, the morning light comes late and there's a pumpkin muffin on my breakfast plate.  The pictures in this post made me think of that story, except change pumpkin muffin to apple scone...

Here are the highlights of our weekend...
1. All three boys ran in the Warrior Run, a 5K run in our town.  The run comes right down our street and I literally stepped foot outside with my camera and saw my crew speeding on by.  Had I been 30 seconds later I would have missed them.  They did great!  
2.  I have been practically LIVING in my new kitchen now that it is finished. I couldn't be happier with how it turned out and I look forward to sharing it on the blog soon. This weekend it was filled with the smells of lemon and white white roasted chicken in the evening and warm apple, cinnamon scones in the morning. {recipes coming} I was in heaven.
3. We made it to a pumpkin farm on Sunday and had a blast on a "spooky" hayride that took us through corn fields and wooded farm land.  We also got a bit lost in the corn maze. {very typical for us}
4. And there was lots of raking and {even more} playing in the leaves. LOTS!  


Halloween Sugar Cookies | Ghosts of All Sorts


Don't Miss Out...Kayce Hughes Trunk Show This Week!