Thursday Favorites

I don't know about you, but the time change has thrown me for a loop this week.  I had to remind myself multiple times today that it was indeed Thursday and not Friday. I suppose skipping ahead an hour equated with skipping ahead a whole day somewhere in my mind.  Anyway, here are a few favorite things that I've pinned recently that I felt were blog worthy too...

I made this fresh take on chicken salad for lunch today for Jimmy and I.  I think you can pretty much add avocado to anything, top it with a little cilantro and squeeze over some fresh lime juice and it will taste like spring and be delicious.  This was no exception.

shredded chicken + lime juice + chopped cilantro + chopped green onions + mashed avocado
season with salt and pepper + pile on a crusty baguette (don't forget the chips). 
(original recipe here )

The new spring line from Emerson Fry went live today.  Pretty, pretty.  Especially the orange dresses.  Tempted, so very tempted. I'm somewhat head over heels for the orange and white dress, but at almost $400 I'd rather spend my pennies elsewhere.  I can't quite see myself wearing that I as hop around to the park and pool this summer.

These custom monogram pillows from Jonathan Adler are just too fun.  I spent some time playing around with combinations on the website.  You pick the base color + the banding color + the monogram color and can mix and match to your heart's content.  So, so cute, especially for a child's room.  Here is a link to Jonathan Adler's site.

That's all for now.  I've got a jam packed weekend and week ahead of me.  I feel I should apologize for being a bit absent on your blogs lately too.  I desperately want to catch up, but I've been struggling to find the time. Part of the blame likes with this band of monkeys...

Along with my dear friend, Heather, we've been coaching a 3rd grade Destination Imagination since December.  They compete on March 24th and are very much the reason for the busy days ahead of me.  If you are unfamiliar with Destination Imagination and curious, you can learn more here.  Hope to be back soon... Enjoy your weekends and remember to wear green!! :)

Weekend in Pictures


Tulips + Chocolate