Recipe | Cinnamon + Sugar Pull Apart Bread

Good morning!
Spring Break greetings from Southern Ohio!
Yes, that's right.
Another Spring Break and we seem to be the only peeps in town.
I'm a bit of a party pooper when it comes to traveling for spring break.
I just don't feel the need to get out of town. In fact, I prefer to stay home.
Sure, a beach would be nice, but my favorite ones are in New England
where it isn't exactly beach weather this time of year.
I like being home, staying in our PJs a little longer,
spending time in the kitchen and garden, and enjoying my boys.
No airports, no suitcases to pack, no rushing around.
We've started each day with a big breakfast.
Oh. My. Goodness.

 As much as I enjoying cooking, eating, well, food in general, I'm not a big
food blog reader.  I don't really know why.
Thankfully, I stumbled on Joy's blog, this post on her bread, 
and I've been dreaming it about it ever since. Literally.
You must read her post, she describes it perfectly, and after seeing her
pictures and reading her descriptions I was under some spell and
found myself compelled to make it.
It is a test of patience this bread....

I made the dough last night, got up early this morning and went through the remaining steps...
Brown butter, sugar, cinnamon, yeasty dough {like a "soft pillow of heaven" as Joy described it.)
Let the dough rest, wait, punch it down, wait, roll it out + slice it up, wait, 
in the oven, wait, take it out, wait. wait, wait, wait...
Good grief, it is like torture.
But soooo worth it. So. Very. Worth. It.
Any wonder why I prefer a spring break at home?! :)
Now go make this before you start dreaming about it.
{I did not change a single thing, either.}
{Sure you can you frozen bread dough, but don't. Not this time!}

and one more, because I know you are wondering about the inside...
gooey, deliciousness...


Inspiration | Country Living UK


Charlie's {Little Boy} Room