Picture-A-Day | FEBRUARY

I mentioned last month that I was going to attempt to capture everyday life with one picture a day on my phone for the entire year.  It's more challenging than I would have thought! I end up with a lot of late night pictures in the kitchen when I realize I've forgotten.  No matter.  I love how this month begins with amaryllis on my kitchen window with a dusting of snow outside {we had snow?!  it must have only lasted a couple hours!} and then a few weeks later daffodils sit in a sunny spot in the dining room. Lots and lots of hearts, chocolates and sweets this month too.

Here are a few favorites, up close...

{sunday morning pancake making}

{allowance spending}

{lunching with andrew at nordstrom's bistro}

Have a fabulous weekend!!
Try to stay safe if you are in the path of these nasty storms!!

Kitchen Inspiration


Our New {200 year old} Table