Tag, I'm it...

my friend, tara, at Between You & Me tagged me in a fun little Q&A game.  tara is a genuine sweetheart.  the real deal in blogging.  so, while i'm not normally a chain letter, tag-it, kind of girl, for tara i will play along.....

1. share 11 facts about yourself
2. answer 11 questions from the blogger that tagged you
3. tag 11 other bloggers {i'm breaking the rules and skipping this part!}

11 facts about me...
1} four foods that i could not live without {in order}: chocolate, cheese, pasta, bread

2} i don't drink beer. {ever} but i do love wine and the occasional cocktail!
3} i don't swear. {almost never}
4} my favorite actresses that i'd also like as friends ~ kate winslet, amy adams, and anne hathaway.
5} one celebrity that i think would make an excellent dinner guest is john stewart.
6} two places i want to visit while i'm still young {relatively speaking} ~ the south of france and tuscany.
7} i prefer B&W photos.

8} i'm not a good dancer, but that doesn't stop me! :)

9} i get lost all the time and have no sense of direction. {ok, and then I swear}
10} hot baths are overrated...i'd rather take a steamy shower.
11} i've been in love once. and married him.

my answers to tara's questions:
1} favorite season? 
2} favorite food? 
3} name three things on your bucket list.
1. take a cooking class in france, 
2. open my own antique + home shop,
3. own a small cottage by the sea that is in walking distance to the beach + a cozy cafe + a bookstore.

4} favorite quality about yourself?
5} least favorite quality about yourself? 
6} favorite thing to do on a lazy day? 
a perfect lazy day would include a walk with my hubs, quiet time in front of a fire to read, good coffee, a chocolate dessert, french food, a matinee,  music while I cook, a friendly gossip session with a girlfriend and sleep.

7} favorite brainless tv show? 
"the bachelor"
8} favorite quality in a friend? 
sense of humor.
9} three things you love about your spouse? 
his compliments, his laugh, his patience
10} hardest part of parenting for you? 
letting them make and learn from their own mistakes without interfering.

11} dress up or casual? stay in or go out? 
hmm. that depends.  with young children our "dates" are typically a movie + take out + a bottle of wine, so sometimes it's fun to dress up, feel a little sexy, put on heels, and go out.  but i'm also quite content to grab a coffee together and hang out at a bookstore.

i'm not tagging anyone, but i'd loooooove to know from you....
1} if you could invite someone famous to dinner who would it be? 
2} what is your guilty pleasure when it comes to food?
3} your blogging pet peeve?

have a lovely week!!  
xo, tessa

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