Party on a School Night...

Last night I hosted our mom's group Christmas party.
It is group of local moms [about 100 of us, I think} with preschool age children.
We meet each month and host activities for young children throughout the year.
Last night was our December meeting and holiday party for the mamas.  
I agreed last summer to host it at our house.
Thankfully, I didn't need to prepare food, just clean the house 
and keep the boys out of the way for an evening. 
 It was a fun night and I didn't take a single picture.  What sort of blogger am I?
I did snap pictures beforehand.  
This is likely the tidiest our house will be this December, so come on in....

{Carrye, I shamelessly copied your ribbons on our bookcase wreaths! :)}

I love Christmas in our home to feel cozy and filled with tradition.
I love hanging the little Danish window ornaments from my Dad and Mormor (Danish grandma),
I love seeing my lifelong collection of bear ornaments from my Mum hanging
alongside handmade ornaments from my children on the tree,
I love seeing the Christmas themed gifts given by dear friends propped
on the bookcase or hanging on the wall,
I still like traditional red and green,
lots of white candles and wreaths.
Our home and December activities tend to look the same
each year and I like it that way.
Have a great weekend!

{linking up to Cottage & Vine Home Tour}


sweet little teacher gifts


The Christmas Season Has Arrived...