Concerts & Candy Cane Cake Pops

We've been busying singing and baking, baking and singing!
{and shipping and writing and wrapping and shopping...}
We enjoyed Andrew's Christmas concert on Tuesday.
My little bow tie clad boy was the cutest on stage. 
I loved watching Charlie take it all in and chime along when he knew the words.
I listened to my boys build a massive train track {TOGETHER}
while singing Christmas songs {TOGETHER} for more than
an hour while I prepared dinner the other night.
Can I even begin to tell you how happy moments like that make me?!
It is rarely so civilized.

I donned my kitchen apron and got to baking.
I'm really not much of a baker.
I enjoy it to a point, but prefer cooking.
After discovering Andrew's sensitivity to artificial ingredients, baking became
a necessity if he was going to get special treats.
So for his class Christmas party, I decided to treat the whole class to homemade cake pops.
Just call me Miss Bakerella.  Haha.  No, but I have a new found appreciation for her!!

These were a labor of love.
A slightly fussy recipe of my own creation, 
that I probably wouldn't make again if they didn't taste so incredibly delish.
I've never eaten a cake pop before so I had nothing to compare it to, 
something about mushed up cake and frosting on a stick never appealed to me.
Until now.  I get it.  They aren't just cute.  They are YUM-MY!
If you make them, I would suggest making the cake and frosting mixture the day before.

chocolate + candy cane cake pops
recipe for chocolate cake
recipe for cream cheese frosting
candy canes
white sparkling decorative sugar
4 bags of white chocolate chips

Cool cake completely {several hours} and crumble in a large mixing bowl.
Add frosting to cake crumbles and knead together using your hands until well combined.
Refrigerate at least 1 hour or over night. 
Scoop and roll cake into balls.Place on parchment lined baking sheets.
Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Crush candy canes between sheets of wax paper using mallet or hammer.
{Combine with sparkling sugar. 
Use as much as you fancy!}
Melt white chocolate slowly in microwave, in small batches 
{1/2 bag at a time}
Removing 6 cake balls at a time from the fridge, put a lollipop stick in and dip and coat in the melted chocolate, sprinkle with topping.

Set on parchment to dry.
They will harden quickly.
Freeze or leave at room temp.
Do not refrigerate.
Makes about 50 cake pops.

{TIP ~ the cake balls are easiest to coat when very cold.  The closer they get to room temp the softer they become and they can fall apart or slide off the stick}

chocolate cake
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
1.5 tsp baking powder
1.5 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup veg. oil
1 cup boiling water

preheat oven to 350.
grease and flour cake pan.
combine all dry ingredients.
make a well.
add milk, eggs, oil,
beat on med. 2 min.
stir in boiling water.
bake 35 minutes

cream cheese frosting
8 oz cream cheese
2 cups powdered sugar
4 tbs butter
1 tbs milk

whip till smooth


Christmas Red


sweet little teacher gifts