I'll take one of each, please...

Can I tell you how excited I was today to open my laptop and go check out High Street Market's new online store?!!!

High Street Market was the very first etsy store I {hearted}, which if you aren't on etsy means you tag it as one of your favorites.  I absolutely adore Kelly's finds.  Her vintage items are just the sort of finishing touches that I feel can make a room.  Those one of a kind, hard to copy pieces, that keep a space from looking like a page out of a Pottery Barn catalogue {I'm not knocking PB, promise.} The sort of treasures that you'd be thrilled to find after a day of scouring antique malls or tag sales.  Something I rarely have time to do at this stage in my life.  When I found out Kelly was opening an online home store with many more items I just knew I'd love it.  She did not disappoint.  Here is a little sampling of some of my favorites....

From vintage maps {Cincinnati too}, to vintage brass door knockers, and lots of gorgeous lighting. I sort of want it all.

So Jimmy, if you are reading, and really struggling with Christmas ideas for me, let's just say this wouldn't be a bad place to start! ;) xoxoxo


Cozy + Classic


Ideas for Charlie's Room