I Can't Decide, Please Help...

I'm sitting here enjoying left over black bean, feta, and cilantro slaw tacos 
(thank you Tiffany, thank you pinterest), reading teenager vampire lit. 
(3rd book of the Twilight series, please don't judge), 
preparing to make some pumpkin bread, 
and watching buckets of rain pour outside.

All the rain is reminding me that I desperately need a new pair of wellies.  
My orange ones, may they rest in peace, bit the dust after many years of rainy day trudging.  
I loved my orange boots.  
I think part of the reason I've put off buying another pair for so long 
is that I've been torn over finding a color I like just as much. 
But I live in a town where you walk A LOT and 
a girl's gotsta have her some proper rainy day gear.

Alas, I've settled on red. Yes, very Ramona Quimbyish, I know.  
Now the question is, would I rather stomp in puddles wearing:

Original Red....


Original Gloss....

Who knew buying rain boots could be so confusing...

What do you think?  

The Paint Job: Before & After


Party Details + New Recipe