Uninvited Guests

Guess who had a party under my sink...
and in the playroom cupboard...
 the pantry...
and a couple utensil drawers..
behind the couch...
and under one of the slip covered dining room chairs???

That is what I woke up to this morning.
Some sort of middle of the night rodent invasion.
Maybe it was the lure of the homemade pretzels?

Eight frantic hours of non-stop cleaning,
checking every conceivable corner of our home with a
flashlight, and nearly coming close to hyperventilating,
I'm now getting ready to turn in for the night.
I figure if I can picture them as Richard Scary characters,
maybe then I stand a chance of getting some sleep.
I was blessed to have children who entertained themselves ALL DAY,
and for a dear friend who loaned me her handy husband for the
night to seal up what we think was their entrance.
Plenty of bait has been set, should they care to make a return visit.
I'm hoping for a better wake up call tomorrow.
Pray for me! :)

(not even sure how to label this post!!)


Friday Lovin'


Doughnuttery + Other Summer Adventures In My Kitchen