Summer Days + Phone Picture Dump

Is it really July 19th today?  Really!!??
Where is this summer going?
I already saw the aisles filling with back-to-school supplies at the drugstore.
The air is thick and the temps are sweltering.  
My widows are steaming up in typically late July fashion and the mosquitoes are vicious.  
Tomorrow, Andrew has his swim team championships 
marking the final meet of summer and his last as an 8 & under.  
Say it ain't so.

I usually long for fall by this time each year, but I'm not there yet.
Last night I went on a bike ride with my boys to the library.  
Me on my bright yellow, one speed, beach cruiser 
(yes, I ride a beach cruiser in landlocked southern Ohio, what say you?!)
with the toddler chariot attached to the back, 
huffing and puffing my way to and fro despite our flat terrain, 
with a basket full of slightly overdue library books that were MIA for a few days.

Once home, I put the sprinkler on my poor wilting hydrangeas 
and then ran through the water holding Andrew and Charlie's hands for the next hour.  
Me, in a tank and skirt, totally soaked, and screaming with each icy blast of water... 
Charlie giggling and jumping in an ever expanding diaper...
And Andrew, the only one of us appropriately dressed, in a pair of trunks, calling the shots.  
This sort of impromptu-past bedtime-playing-in-water-silliness, 
that's the part of summer I'm not quite ready to let go of yet.

{andrew & payton, his best bud}

Our unhurried Thursday night Farmer's Market dinners 
where we sit around the fountain eating brick oven pizzas, 
snow cones and drinking mint ice tea while the air is hot 
and the boys throw pennies in the water and occasionally, often unintentionally, dance 
to the sounds of the solo guitarist strumming and singing as the sun begins to set.  
No after school activities, no homework, no obligations.

Leaving Charlie in his jammies while we take Andrew to swim practice each morning.
{This was snapped the day of their pancake breakfast.}

And just being lazy.
No, I'm not quite ready to pick up the pace...
Are you?



Swimmers, Take Your Mark....


For My Seamstress