This 'n That + Recipe

Hi, friends!
I'm not sure what it is with me lately, but I'm struggling to find time to blog.  
Both posting & reading.  No really good excuses either, just life.  
I do know that I don't have time right now, I should be pulling weeds and helping Jimmy in the yard, but I'm going to try be quick and give myself 30 minutes to write and then get back to business...

(See, occasionally my kids are in non- cartoon character Ts! )

 Tuesday was Andrew's last day of second grade. What?!?!?!
Each year seems to go by faster than the last.
It was a sweltering 100+ degrees at the class picnic and Andrew had dressed himself in a
thick black T-shirt (lego characters, I'm afraid. Not quite cartoons, but close enough) 
No complaints from him, but I was dressed in a sleeveless sundress and had sweat rolling off of me.
Andrew with friends, Jackson and Marah

(it is hard for non-camera people to figure out mine, but at least I have something!
maybe it's a good thing it's out of focus, it doesn't quite capture me in all my glistening glory!)

I brought Popsicles for Andrew's class and let me say, the are THE BEST ever.
Trader Joe's Frozen Fruit gotta try em!!

Since then, summer has been in full swing.
Swim practice began. We've had a bare bottomed toddler running through our sprinkler.
The bikes are out daily. I feel like I'm making breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks around the clock.
I've skipped regular baths for the boys in lieu of 6:00 PM visits to the pool. 
Not everyday, don't worry!

On Thursday, we celebrated Jimmy's bday!
He was late getting home, so his poor cake was already partway eaten.  
I couldn't keep C up any longer and all day he'd been eyeing the cake and
singing "happy birth to you" so he got a little slice before bed.
(iced lemon cake, if you are curious.)

Saturday, Jimmy and I went out to dinner to a new Latin restaurant and celebrated again.
No cake this time though.
And today my parents came over for brunch, not for birthday festivities, just because. 
I made a ham and cheese strata + sticky buns.
(Jen, does this look familiar? :))
A little bite of heaven right there on that fork, I tell ya!

I'll post the recipe at the end of this post. 
(ok, I am so over 30 minutes of blogging right now...
granted I had to kiss a bumped head, negotiate why a brownie 
before dinner wasn't a good choice, break-up an out of control indoor game of tag 
and start dinner...multi tasking at its finest)

I was going to post a few little around the house updates too, 
but I can see I need to wrap this up and feed my fam.  
Real quick though...
We've been doing some house stalking as we try to decide exterior paint colors - 
time to paint my orangey-red brick!!  
I laughed as I looked at some of the pictures I've been taking, like this one...
Stone house....hmmmm....maybe this was intended for my dream house file 
rather than the house paint file!! ha! :)
Hope you had a fabulous & sunny weekend too!!

Recipe for Sticky Buns
(from my dear friend Jen)

Note: these are CRAZY good.  And a family favorite.
I had to promptly give our leftovers to neighbors 
because I didn't trust myself when left alone.

1/2 c chopped pecans
18 frozen dough balls cut in half 
(I microwave for about 20-30 secs before cutting)
1 pkg. butterscotch pudding mix (NOT instant)
3/4 c butter
3/4 c brown sugar

Butter bundt pan.
Sprinkle in nuts.
Put in dough balls, sprinkle dry pudding mix over top.
Bring butter + sugar to a boil. Remove immediately.
Pour over pudding + dough balls. 
Cover and let sit overnight.
Bake next morning for 25-30 min at 350.
(Put bundt pan on baking sheet to catch drippings)
Invert immediately onto serving plate.


Monogrammed Pillows


Summer Favorites