Happy Father's Day

Dear Dad,
You are a great Dad because you are nice, fun, and thoughtful.
My favorite things to do with you are going on bike rides,
watching TV together (like Star Wars and Looney Tunes), and talking to each other
about stuff.  The best memories from the last year are going on vacation 
to California, canoeing, water gun fights, and bike rides. 
When I grow up I hope I can have a wife and be a Dad who is nice and fun like you.
I really hope we can always be good friends. Actually , we'll always be good friends, of course.

Andrew (age 8)

PS. Charlie loves when you play lawn workers with him and teach him how to hit a ball.
(Foley & Sons Lawn Care Co.)

Happy Father's Day, my love!  I hope you enjoyed your special day.
The picture above is a perfect depiction of you as a father.  When I peaked out and saw the three of you tending to our neighbor's yard yesterday (you with Charlie's "backpack blower", Andrew on the "mower", and C "edging") I couldn't help but smile and count my blessings.
(even if you did get C all sweaty and kept him out waaay past his bedtime)
And to my own Dad, who is repeatedly saving me from one computer calamity after another, 
I thank you for always being there when I need you and for still watching out for me.
And to my brother, who is a super-duper Dad to my sweet little nephews!

All my love, 

21 Memos From Your Child


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