
 Yesterday the weather was gorgeous, warm with blue skies, and together we walked to school.  Charlie in his stroller, Andrew with his gorgeous tan face discussing the plans for dinner (always a hot topic for him).  As we walked past the village square, he spotted a nickel next to the fountain.  He wanted to toss it in and make a wish.  He looked so serious and I desperately wanted to know what important wish this 8 year old boy of mine was making because it took several minutes before he was ready to move on.  We walked pass the Inn, the barber shop, the pizza parlor and village gift shop where Charlie always peers in to see the stuffed Tiger sitting high on the shelf that he says is "sleeping" because the store is still closed at that time each day.  After kissing Andrew goodbye we began to make our way back home.  But Charlie said he wanted to "get coffee", so we stopped in at Starbucks, a latte for me and a slice of coffee cake for him.  Together we sat at our usual table outside and watched the people walk by with their dogs.  Occasionally, Charlie would spot a lawn truck filled with mowers and edgers on the back and remark in delight.  

Afterwards we made our way to the library with a friend for music and story time and C laughed and smiled because he saw familiar faces and heard familiar songs and is so comfortable in his little corner of the world.  These are the moments I want to remember.  These are the moments I want them to remember.  I know it is routine for them now, but I hope one day they look back on this time with a new appreciation.   I don't care how much the world advances, how much technology shapes our lives, it will always be the simple things that bring the greatest joy.  These moments are enough for me.

In the evening as we finished up dinner, Jimmy headed into the kitchen, turned on the music, began singing and doing the dishes while I sat at the table finishing a glass of wine.   Andrew and Charlie decided to put together an impromptu parade.  Round and round through the kitchen, dining, and living rooms.  Andrew pushed a large firetruck that was rigged with light-up yo-yo balls from their Easter baskets and stuffed animals and called it a float, while Charlie played the drums and marched behind him.   Charlie had on a wet shirt (Scooby Doo) and wet hair from the game of barber shop the two had just finished playing.   This whole scene, all of us together, in our home, with a touch of commotion, this is happiness to me.  A snap shot of what life is like right now.  Sure we ate at 5:15 and the meal with all four of us at the table lasted for less than 10 minutes (at best) before C wandered off to his toys and began asking all of us if we wanted haircuts.  

Occasionally, people ask me what it is like having children spaced so far apart in age.  Or they ask why we have 6 years between them.  I usually respond that this was God's design, not mine.  Because my time table was a bit different.  But now I can't imagine anything more wonderful or perfect for us.  With all the moments that brought me happiness this week, it's catching the two of them together that brings me the most.

Andrew teaching Charlie how the world works.  Charlie teaching Andrew the big responsibility and patience that's required for being a big brother.  It's a beautiful thing.  And I'm smiling!

Summer Favorites


Love At First Sight