iphone, Pinterest and youtube

If there's one thing that remains pretty consistent about me, it is my SSLLLLOOOOWWW adoption of new technology.  It sort of amazes me that I even blog.

This past week I was the last person on the planet to get an iphone. Now, I don't know why I put up with my other one for as long as I did.  Handy dandy little gizmo it is!

To really go out on a limb I attempted to post a video of my scintillating lunch conversation with Charlie to youtube.  It worked.  Sort of.  Not sure why the image is so small. Anyone?  Maybe I was supposed to turn the phone horizontally? Anyway, if you ever wonder what lunch is like with a 2 yr old, take a peek.  Also, for all of you that have never heard my voice, I am slightly mortified at how borderline "baby-talk" it sounds. If this is how I really sound no wonder C occasionally screams at me! :) Good thing my interest in a career in broadcast journalism was VERY short lived!

2.  In other technology news, I opened a Pinterest account!  I haven't "pinned" much yet, but I will.  So if you want to peek further into my inspiration files, you can follow along here. (Elizabeth, when you first suggested it I had no idea what Pinterest was!  And Holly, thank you for giving me the push I needed to figure it out!!)

That's all for now.  But I'll be back soon.  Because... We are having  H-U-G-E yard sale in a couple weeks. HUGE! And I have some pretty home home stuff I'm going to post on the blog should any of you be interested prior to the sale.

PS.  *UPDATE*  Dinner Last Night: Andrew - grilled cheese & carrots, Charlie - pumpkin bread and yogurt.  So much for my planning!! Ha!!

Happy Anniversary!


A Spring Menu