Happy Mother's Day

My Dear Boys,
To be your mother is my life's work.
My greatest joy.
The love I have for you is fierce,
unrelenting, pure, and unconditional.
You make me proud, humble, grateful, and teach me grace.
I make mistakes, I lose my temper,
I have days when I am exhausted and
feel I've given all there is to give of me to you.
I have moments I'd like to do over again.
And days when I want to freeze time,
 to remember the way your breath smelled when you
were newborns, to keep you small,
so you still fit cozily on my lap.
I want to experience your first steps,
your first jumps off a diving board,
your first lost tooth, 
the way your tiny arms feel wrapped around my neck
over and over again.
I want to remember your sweet voices when they say
bedtime prayers or call out my name.
The way your eyes light up when you are excited.
Your laughter.
Your innocence..
The sweet compliments you give me.
My days begin and end hugging you.
When I see you, Andrew, skipping for no reason at all,
or excitedly telling me all the details of your day,
or the way we snuggle together to read at night -
I want you to know how much I cherish those moments.
And Charlie, when you tell me "Mama, cuddle" or "Mama, hug",
when you give me Eskimo and butterfly kisses for the entire 15 minutes
waiting for our train ride at the zoo,
or we recount the highlights of our day as a tuck you
in  at night and you giggle at each new memory,
I want you to know I don't take a single moment for granted.
All I ever wanted to be was a mother,
but I never knew the way you would fill
my heart so completely.

I love you both with every ounce of my being,

And Happy Mother's Day to my incredible Mum!
You are my biggest inspiration.


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