You Gotta Check It Out

Here I am, AGAIN!!
Just when I thought I was in a blogging rut, I'm inspired all over again.
So, the new Trad Home, the online magazine collaboration
between Traditional Home and Lonny, debuted today. 
It's good.
Really good.
I used to be a very loyal Traditional Home reader, but felt they'd gone a bit too high end in 
recent years and everything looked a little too perfect, a little too staged,
which is why I was excited to see a partnership with Lonny.
It did not disappoint. (even if everything is still high end!)
For starters, look whose featured...
Everyone's favorite blogger and designer.
Erika's blog was the very first blog I ever read.
Here's a peek at the home she designed...

Does she not just find the most amazing lighting??
I have yet to see work of hers that doesn't amaze me!

I also loved this house from Lisa Sternfeld (a designer I don't know)

Now all my fellow home decorating loving friends,
go check it out for yourselves...
click HERE


My Honey Pies


Time For A Makeover