Gratitude & Giveaway

To say I've been a little tickled the last couple days would be an understatement.  More like blown away! I was not expecting such a response to our little dining room makeover.  I have loved reading your comments, each and every one.   You absolutely made my week.  For all of you that took the time to look, for all of your kind and thoughtful words, and to those that are new followers - A GREAT BIG THANK YOU!

Also, a big squeeze to Holly and Rene for featuring my room on their gorgeous blogs.  It makes me happy to be a small part of such a supportive blogging community!  You all know how to make a girl feel GOOOOD.  So in honor of all the blog lovin, I want to give something back to you.....

Last October, I posted a little bday wish list for fun on my blog.  (girls - they really work!)  I ended up receiving 2 copies of this book.  (Jen S., if you are reading, I kept yours! :))  The other I planned to return but never did and figured I would save it for a gift instead.  Well, I can't think of a better time to give. (It's making me feel all legit, having a giveaway on this little blog!)

This is a lovely book full of classic and traditional design.  Books are my favorite gift to give and receive and this one had me by the title alone.  I scour blogs to find pictures of homes that I feel have soul.  Not the overly perfect, staged, glossy homes, but rather the cozy, collected, welcoming ones that look like places where a good life is lived. 

Please leave a comment.  If you aren't a follower, you don't have to become one, I'm just happy you stopped by.  (I know!  Breaking a trend here!) But please make sure you leave your email address if it's turned off on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, so I can get in touch with you if you win.

I'll announce the winner on Tuesday.   Have a lovely weekend!  I'm looking forward to getting to "know" those of you that are new around here!

xo, Tessa

The Good Stuff


Before and After: Our Dining Room