Dear March

Dear March,

I have a bone to pick with you. You are, without a doubt, my least favorite month of the year. With your tummy bugs and head colds, with your barren trees and in between weather. You perplex me. You are no longer winter, but you are not yet spring. I can't figure out how to dress for you, and standing in front of my closet each morning adds precious time to my 20 minutes, at best, shower to door routine. My boys are quite fond of your puddles and mud, so at least you have that going for you.  But all in all,  I've had quite enough, so would you please be on your merry way and send April and healthier chidlren my way.  PLEEEAASSEE!

To deal with my March melancholy, I've developed a few successful coping mechanisms:

1. Make an appointment for long over due highlights.  It's looking SCARY folks! 

2.  Buy something pretty to wear.  I just ordered this necklace. From here.

and these shoes... (seen here)
Ha, Ha, Ha...Really?  Did I fool anyone???  No, I didn't think so.
Instead, me and my practical self are looking for something a bit more along the lines of this.

(j. crew)

3, Plan anniversary trip with hubby for April. Even though it's technically me tagging along on a business trip and our anniversary is in May, it will be a few days away in a pretty and warm place, and that's good enough for me!  

4. Read a funny book.  Even better when read with a gorgeous son so we can laugh hysterically together. This one fits the bill. The most we have laughed at a book since "The Fudge" series from Judy Blume.  Good stuff.

4. Smell good. Can't get enough of the new Champagne inspired Fresh line.
5. Cook happy things in the kitchen.  This month it's been yogurt lemon pound cake, sugar cookies dipped in dark chocolate, fettuccine with lemon, basil, and white beans, breakfast burritos with eggs, fresh herbs, roasted tomatoes, avocado and goat cheese.
(thank you, Melissa for the burrito inspiration and picture!)

6. Have your Destination Imagination Team (I coached Andrew's team along with my friend Heather) totally rock at their regional tournament.  Watching 7 & 8 year olds filled with such a sense of achievement and pride makes a Mama feel gooooood!

 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Lemon, Basil & White Bean Pasta


Potential Acquisitions