
That was my week.
Sweet, blissful, ordinary.

Dressing up as a FIREMAN and a PIRATE,
pre-bedtime SCRABBLE matches with Andrew,

Trader Joes,
lunch date with C,
after school ice cream, 
PAINTING firetrucks, 

READING "Ginger Pye",
reading "Is This the House of Mistress Mouse" or as C calls it "Knock-Knock",
spelling and government tests, 
BUBBLE baths,
toddler GYM class,
story time at the LIBRARY,

music class, 
SWIM practices,
volunteering at school,
up all night with C curled up next to me in my bed,
(I didn't sleep a wink, but wouldn't trade these fleeting moments when I can provide
complete COMFORT and protection from whatever is ailing him),
watching my youngest become my eldest's little shadow, 
 the way he so proudly imitates,

like when Andrew put some Legos in a zip lock bag,
 I watched Charlie run to the drawer in the kitchen where I keep the bags,
grab one for himself and confidently put his Match Box cars in it - "see Andoo, see?"

  It was cold out this week. 
Almost hurt to breath.
Our house is old , drafty, and chilly too but we kept each other warm.
We laughed, danced, sang, and enjoyed our little family. 
Just ordinary everyday, beautiful life. 

I even caught Charlie correcting Elmo. 
I saw him toting Elmo around while I was preparing dinner,
then putting him on the bottom step and running to try set the timer on the oven,
all the while saying "never throw, Elmo, never throw." 
Apparently, Elmo was in time out. 
He was gentle and loving in the way he disciplined and
then hugged Elmo when his time out was over. 
I thought to myself, I must be doing something right if this is how he imitates me.  
Really, moments like this - they do my heart good.

Good Morning, Beautiful!


MLS Stalking