A Little Too Late....

So..being honest here....
I don't have my act together this week.
I have showed up, not once, but TWICE with a shoeless child.
Once for preschool registration.  Way to make a good impression!
I thought we'd sneak in and sign up, write a check,
and be on our merry way, but no, the director spent TWO HOURS with us, giving us a tour. 
There ran my little Biscuit, up and down the halls in his socks, with his Love Bug tucked under one arm.
And then AGAIN today at the zoo.  The ZOO! 
I was even willing to fork out the $50 I was anticipating for a pair of Crocs
 or rain boots from the gift shop, but they didn't have any.
They sadly searched in lost-and-found for pair of shoes in C's size - gross,
 but we were there with friends and I was desperate. 
I even tried putting his little chubby boy feet in a pair of sparkly mismatched sandals. 
I settled for a couple pairs of very thick penguin socks
and kept him in his stroller for the bulk of the trip. 
 He had a blast!  Ever wonder why second and third children are more flexible than firstborns?!!

My creativity didn't kick in for cute class Valentines either.
I started out ok.  Downloading the Love Stripe gift tags from Olive Manna.

But I couldn't figure out what to make to put them on. 
I printed some valentine cards off line instead,
embellished them with a little fabric ticking heart & twine and tucked in a lollipop. 
I waited too long to get valentine lollipops, so they were Blow Pops. 
Ok, but they sound better than they looked. 
I kept waiting for inspiration to hit and it never did. 
I even (gasp) copped out and went the store bought route on cupcakes.
I know. I know.   

Anyway, since then I've been inspired by all sorts of fabulous Valentine cuteness
that I am tucking away for next year.  Let me share...

These little cake pops from Armommy are made using cake mix and frosting.
Super easy and DARLING.

They remind me a bit of the these, made by Lorri, using oreo cookies.
I'm guessing you could put a stick in hers too and turn them into pops.
Click here for her recipe.

And these adorable homemade Valentine's Grace made for her son Harper to hand out.
She lives in walking distance of a Paper Source (how dangerous that would be for me,
but having one in driving distance would be nice -- we don't)
I am on the hunt for the fabric tape making machine.
And last, Darby made these delectable looking cookies and
packed them in little vellum envelopes that she stitched together.
Next year, I'd kindly request you all post your wonderful ideas a month or so in advance so
just in case I find myself in a similar predicament I can copy,
inspiration by osmosis, if you will.
Thanks so very much! :)

A Gorgeous Kitchen & My Vinaigrette


Valentine's Day