Lamp Love

I am not sure what it is, but there is just something
about beautiful lighting that makes me completely come undone.
And when I see a stunning pair of lamps, well, I find it hard to catch my breath.
Lately, I'm drawn to bigger, chunky lamps.
And it has me longing to update the ones behind by living room sofa with something more substantial.
See? I'm just not feeling these little ones anymore.
(And no, that's not dust hanging on the rim. :) 
Long ago they had dangly little beads and I chopped them off.)
Any of these beauties would do quite nicely.

Murray Feiss
Martha (discontinued)
Martha (discontinued)
Aiden Gray

Sadly, they are either no longer available or have soaring prices.
My reaction to pretty lamps might border on crazy, but not
crazy enough to pay $900 for a single one.
Chandeliers, maybe, but table lamps - NO WAY.

I'm often reading about great thrift store and flea market finds.
Like Rene's Re-Store lamps...
She seems to share a similar lamp loving affliction.

These designer girls just have a knack for finding the most gorgeous lamps.
Like the new ones on Julie's foyer table. So perfect, right?

Or the chunky glass pair, Alexandra just put in a client's home. Love!
Happy lamp hunting I will go...

For The Love of Boys


A Gorgeous Kitchen & My Vinaigrette