Happy Cake!

Last Friday my beautiful Mum celebrated her birthday!
Charlie was especially excited about the whole thing.
But saying "Happy Birthday, Nana, we made you a cake"
proved to be too much, so instead, every time he looked at her he said "Happy cake, Nana!"

(My Mum and me circa 1974. She will deny this, but she still looks remarkably the same today. 
She has a figure most 30 year olds would kill for, but she's very modest about it!)

(yep, still me!)

My Mum and I are very close (despite the fact she used to dress me like a boy).
She is the most supportive, unselfish, and generous person I know.
I got very, very lucky.  As did my dad, brother, and her 4 grandsons.
For her birthday I made a French Lime Yogurt Cake with Fresh Blackberry Sauce (via Smitten Kitchen)
Lime + Yogurt + Fresh Berries
How can that be anything but delicious?
All of us had seconds and thirds.  Even the little people.
When I make it again.  And I will. Maybe this weekend.
I might try switching the lime with lemon and the blackberries with raspberries for fun.
I also preferred the sauce more before straining it. 
That's a personal call, but I don't mind the seeds and liked the thicker texture. 

Click here for the link to the recipe

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