Ceiling Love

Isn't it funny, how when you hone in on something you see it pop up all over the place?
For me, right now, that would be fabulous ceilings.
It seems everywhere I turn the ceilings look more and more gorgeous.
Exposed rafters, painted beams, horizontal tongue and groove paneling...

(kentucky mama)
It adds so much charm + character.
I love to see it painted white.
Especially in kitchens and bedrooms.
I'd love to add some to our kitchen one day. 
But given the incredibly slow pace I seem to be taking with home projects,
it will likely be in the very distant future.
In the meantime, I'm quite content to collect inspiring pictures to add to my collection!
Hope all of you are having a wonderful week. 
I am tired, but in a good way.
I had the rare treat of starting my week with a breakfast out with a few girlfriends (sans kiddos) 
a mid week dinner out with a larger bunch of friends, complete with celebrity mingling!!
(I might have to post a picture when I get one.  I was too cool to whip out my phone, or, heaven's to Besty, bring a REAL camera.  No, I'm WAAAAYYY too cool for that.  Wink!!) 
Staying out to dinner till 11:00 PM wiped this Mama out. (see how cool I am??!!)
Oh my, did I really just say that?!!
I am getting older, gals, it is true!




Healthier Taco Dip