Pattern & Color

I couldn't resist posting these pics from House Beautiful
You know me and my borderline addiction to checks and all.

They are too bold for what I could live with in my own home, but they sure are pretty to look at. 
They feel New Englandy, a bit like the place we stayed three years ago
to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary.
The White Barn Inn in Maine.
Our room was papered in a cream and lavender toile with beautiful cream and lavender checked drapes.
 I just looked at the website for a picture, but the rooms have all been redone!!

Much more tranquil and neutral now -- I prefer the way it looked when we stayed there.
I didn't take pictures though.  Ahh, the days before blogging and before I had a digital camera! 
I know, I know, I was late to the party!
We were there in the spring, but it sure does look magical in the winter. 
I think almost all the rooms have fireplaces so you wouldn't get chilly.
And if you click on the link and are wondering if the restaurant is as amazing as it sounds,
yes, it most certainly is!

Now how on earth this post went from talking about a couple pictures of a house
to discussing our past anniversary, I haven't a clue. But I'm rolling with it... 
Now I'm off to go say bedtime prayers and tuck Andrew in for the night.
Hope you are staying warm! 
While Jimmy's been out of town, I've been watching season 4 of Friday Night Lights on Netflix.
I know Season 5 was their last. Boo. 
Please tell me I'm not the only one who loves that show?!
And by chance if I am, please don't hold it against me. :) Nite!

Dining Room Blog Love


Love Letters