No time to write...

Susie Harris eclectic home office
I haven't been able to catch a moment to write since last Monday.
But I wanted to wish all of you the happiest of happy New Years!
We rang in our New Year with a bang!
It was an unusually WARM day.
No kidding, our neighbors were running through the sprinkler.
(Which I prohibited my boys from participating in.  It was warm,
but there were still a few patches of snow on the ground for Heaven's sake!)
However, despite my best efforts to keep us all healthy, Charlie came down with a fever.
You know the kind that comes out of nowhere and catches you by surprise.
Andrew's logged too many hours on his new ipod touch.
We've been staying up late and sleeping in.
Watching old and new movies.
Reading books.
All the Christmas decor came down today.
Usually that makes me very sad, but this year it feels like a relief.
I think each year I desire to be simpler and simpler.
I have a few house changes & additions that I'd like to post about,
but I still need to take pictures. So please stop back.
I hope to get to that this week.
Till then, I hope this first day of 2011 is treating you well.
We have sunshine and for the first time in weeks
 we aren't bundled under a million layers trying to stay warm.
I like winter, but this little dose of warmth is kinda a nice treat!

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