City Mouse, Country Mouse...

And other bits of randomness...

We've been out of sorts this week.  Charlie is down and out with a rotten cold and I believe the last three days I've barely done a thing besides cuddle him on the couch and read to him from his vast personal library.
(This bookcase in his room rarely looks this neat - just saying...)
 My favorite of the day, "City Mouse, Country Mouse".  I adore the Richard Scary books for their sweet simplicity.  I want to run around in a dress and apron tending to my little family & nest the way those bunnies, mice and cats do.  Instead, look who's wearing my apron....

and for good measure...

This is what happens when cabin fever hits.

   On to other happenings this week...we did squeeze in a little birthday celebration for this boy.
Happy Birthday, Dad!!
 I struck out at 3 local bakeries, all closed, trying to buy a cake.  We ended up with one from the Cheesecake Factory - white chocolate & raspberry - we suffered through.

I am also loving the new paint color on my hutch.  Can you believe it? Finally.  Here's a teeny peek.
I am going to do a post on my dining room in a couple weeks, when it's all "finished". I use that term loosely, since I'm always on the hunt for the perfect oval antique table and a much larger cupboard or hutch to fill the space. ... or a matching set of corner just never know.  But for now I'm happy the way it is.

(source: Southern Living (I think))

I did manage to steal away to the mall this morning with C.  Just long enough to give his stuffed Bumble a bath at Build-A-Bear and eat some Auntie Ann's pretzel sticks for lunch.  I had to laugh, when we passed the Apple store he pointed and said "Farfar" (my Dad), when we passed the Lego store he got all excited and said "Andoo, Andoo" (Andrew) and then when we passed Godiva he said "awww, Mama".  Not Williams -Sonoma, Pottery Barn or Nordstrom, no it had to be a chocolate store.  Ahh, my little one knows my weakness already!

Hope you & yours are staying healthy.  And if not, drink plenty of tea, snuggle your little ones and know I'm keeping you company.

And PS.  Thank you all so much for your kind comments.  Absolutely makes my day to read your sweet and encouraging words!!

Love Letters


New Fabric