Still One of My Favs

An oldie, but goodie. 
I love how these rooms are put together.
I think I first saw the pic below on Cote de Texas last year.
I saw it again recently on Southern Living's website along with a few more shots of the house
and I was reminded how much I like it.
It's traditional, with a little cottage/country mixed in, but young and current too.
The fabrics are beautiful - velvet sofa, linen chairs, floral drapes, checks on the cushions.
I love all the hanging plates, the built ins, the symmetry, castered furniture, barley twist table.
It's warm  & cozy.
It looks like it's possibly an apartment, because there aren't too many windows.
And that homeowner looks about 20.  What a way to start out!
I can only imagine her next home. time is up... I hear C calling from his crib.  We are off to the zoo with some friends this morning...
Have a beautiful day!

I Want This Book


My Little Bubba Turns 2!