Pumpkin Squares & Fabric Flowers

A favorite recipe from my dear friend, Jen!
Every fall when I pull out the recipe card with her writing, I'm reminded of the first time I had these.
I was visiting her in Chicago around my birthday and she made them for dessert.
I think I had seconds, maybe even thirds (ok, probably fourths).  They are addictive!
The recipe makes a ton so be sure to invite some friends & neighbors over to enjoy them with you!
(recipe at the end of this post)

If by chance, you don't read Emily's blog...
She is super creative and VERY generous when it comes to sharing her ideas.
She posted this flower pin tutorial today.
I'm not kidding - 10 minutes tops to make them.
I didn't use a template and should have but I only had a few minutes and was just curious.
(I used a scrap of fabric from Charlie's nursery curtains)
These would look so cute as gift toppers... or on a cardigan.... or pinned on a belt...

Pumpkin Squares
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 cups pumpkin puree
3/4 cup butter, melted
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup chopped nuts (I use pecans)

1 pkg cream cheese
6 tbsp butter, at room temp
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp half  half (I use whole milk)
3 cups powdered sugar

Butter and flour a jelly roll pan. Preheat oven to 325. Mix eggs, sugar, pumpkin. Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon. Add to egg mixture. Add melted butter. Pour in prepared pan, spread out evenly. Bake 25 min.

Frosting - Beat together all ingredients on low until smooth.  Spread on cooled pumpkin squares. Top with nuts. Share or you'll be tempted to eat them all.  don't say I didn't warn you! :)    

All By Myself


Fall Reading List