I'm Loving...

Lavender sachets, cute checked dish cloths as napkins, barns, pumpkins and all things Autumn.

Long slip covered benches in the dining room.

The smell of fall through our open doors and windows.
And most of all...
My two, blue eyed, little love muffin nephews. Who came to visit last week.
Brantly B - thank you for the extra long snuggle and snooze with me
, Carter - thank you for obliging my dance request, letting me twirl you till you were dizzy, 
and being such a giggly partner.
(Kevin you will not get off so easy next time!! 
Come prepared with some moves at Thanksgiving or no turkey for you! :) 
I kid, I kid. But bring it, seriously.)
I miss you guys already!

image sources: here and here

Halloween Cuteness


A Blustery October Sunday