Rounding out the week

It's been an ongoing Legopalooza in our home since Monday.
All of which occurs at the dining room table.  The only space big enough and out of Charlie's way.
Although, nothing is really out of harms way these days.  Once he's got his eye on something, watch out.
It doesn't help that he is a grumposaurus today.  He didn't sleep well in the night and is resisting his nap this morning.  Lots of tears.  Do 22 month olds cut teeth?!  I don't remember... 
This is my view of the kitchen window as I'm typing.  I love how my kitchen window sill can tell a whole story...The bunch of basil from yesterday's farmers market..the bottles I should have long ago weaned from Charlie...The cow creamer left there to dry after Christmas morning brunch that looked cute and has occupied the spot since, a Delft pitcher turned lamp I found in an abandoned corner at a local antique mall for a few dollars...a framed picture of my boys from Xmas Eve at my parents... some little potted tea roses as a thank you from a friend.  It looks different all the time.  It makes me happy in all its undecorated & cluttered glory!  Have a lovely weekend.
(looks like I'll be making some banana bread with my overripe bananas!)

Apricot Crisp


A teeny bit obsessed