Unfinished Business


So...I started this summer all gang busters to create a playroom for the boys and freshen up our dining room because I just wasn't loving it...Well here we are nearing the latter part of July and what have I accomplished?  A big ol mess of half finished projects.  I'm starting to lose a little momentum too.  I've taken down artwork I didn't like, but nothing yet hangs in its place.  I've got fabric picked out for pillows that I LOVE (thanks Holly) but it has yet to be taken to my seamstress.  I have paint swatches hanging on our hutch, but it remains unpainted.


AND I decided to update a few things in our living room too, because that's what happens when you start to change one thing, many more follow. Sometimes things you didn't even plan. Since we leave for vacation in a week and school begins the end of August, I've resigned to the fact it will not be complete by summers end.  That's ok, because it's really not that important.  Yes, I get joy from a pretty home. Yes, I like to fiddle and fuss and play house. But in life's bigger picture - it's really not something to lose sleep over. :) So, in the meantime I'll settle for some pretty roses ($6 for this bunch!) to keep things looking fresh and continue to marvel at all the bloggers who redo furniture (paint, upholster, slipcover) weekly and remodel rooms in no time.  I'm just shooting to have things done by Thanksgiving!


In this last pic, a few things that are staying put: an antique gateleg, barley twist table bought with my Mum on an a day of antiquing in Louisville, KY - an English oil painting from a favorite antique shop for my 11th wedding anniversary - the little brown & white drawings of Mechelen, Belgium where I was born.

Playing House


Chicken Gyros with Cucumber Salsa and Tsatsiki