Saturday Morning Bike Ride


PhotobucketThis morning I kindly let my hard working husband sleep in   begrudgingly got up early with Charlie because Jimmy mentioned he had done it every day this week (funny, I do not remember sleeping in, since I needed to be dressed, pack a lunch for Andrew and feed the kids all before 8:20am, but I do remember him helping each day - maybe even making breakfast!) and took the boys on an early morning bike ride to Starbucks. The boys had mini pink donuts and I a much needed cappuccino.  I precariously rode my bike with my camera (maybe snapping a pic or 2 while riding - not a good idea) in the hopes I would capture the kids running around feeding and chasing the sparrows as they've done on all recent morning visits.  No such luck.  Instead I captured sticky fingers, jammies, & bare tootsies. To keep things interesting, Charlie had brought along the top to the water hose that he pretends is a leaf blower complete with his own sound effects and an Elmo pop up book that plays music loud enough for all to hear.
Still, it was a lovely wake up!

Cherry Clafoutis


Lego & Booster Seats