Our Bags Are Packed

We are flying out tomorrow for our first vacation as a family of four.  We are flying out West.  As in a 5 HOUR long flight with a 21 month old that typically doesn't like to sit still for 5 MINUTES.  Pray for us! And those aboard our flight.  It will likely not be a peaceful one.  I've got the ipod loaded with his favorite songs, Jimmy's Blackberry, and lollipops to keep him entertained.  I've also got these...
 I figure that might get us through the first 15 minutes... His older brother's got his DVD player and this...
And I will be (hopefully) reading this on our trip. (not on the airplane - who would I be kidding!)

I had heard such great things about this book, but had never really been tempted to read it, until I saw the movie trailer on Elizabeth's blog.

I'll be gone, no computer, no blogs, no email for 8 days.  Hopefully with less humid temperatures, lots of fun activities for the children and the chance to make many new family memories.
Be back soon... 

Nothing Comes Close to The Golden Coast...


Unapologetically Country