Mindy Jo

Sunday night we were treated to a fabulous dinner
at my dear friend, Mindy's house.
The food was amazing and prepared by
her talented husband while we
took care of the wild animals our
6 children age 7 and under.

Mindy and I have been friends since we were 12. 
We don't see each other as often as we'd like
but when we do, it's wonderful, chaotic, loud, and full of laughs.

I love this girl.
Mindy was the maid of honor in my wedding,
she is Charlie's Godmother, and
like the sister I never had.
We can tell each other anything.
We love each other's children.
I learn from her how to be a better mother,
because she is an incredible mother to her 4 very young,
very adorable children.
I know it brings both of us much joy to see
our children becoming friends and making
happy memories together.
Thank you for a great time tonight.
Craig really out did himself.
My boys went to bed happily tired.
I treasure our friendship, I really do!

Sugar Rush

