Slipcover Dilemma

I'm indecisive...
Cottage Living

Tomorrow I have a seamstress coming over to cut and pin fabric
for slipcovers for 2 wing back chairs that I purchased off Craig's List a few months ago..

I was inspired by the likes of Holly and her wing backs and
all the beautiful posts by Joni with pretty slips. 
 I really like slipcovers on my furniture, but the ones I already own were
made by the furniture manufacturers, so there was
 less decisions to be made by me. 
My favorite is the chair and ottoman I have in the C's nursery from here.

This time it is different.  I need to pick out the design myself. 
And there are so many options...

To skirt or not to skirt?
Traditional Home

To ruffle or double ruffle?

Banding at the bottom?

Traditional Home

To show some of the legs or go straight to the floor?

Traditional Home

You would think I would have decided by 10:30 the night before
the fabric is going to be cut, but no, I'm still debating.

This is precisely the reason, that no matter how much I enjoy interior design, I could never be trusted to make decisions for someone else's home.  To top it off the fabric I choose is an all cotton, cream color that will pretty much blend right in with the walls, so I'm not sure why I'm making such a fuss over the style.  No one will ever notice but me.  The worst part is I find this all incredibly fun! :)   Thank you Jimmy for looking at all the pictures with me and making comments like "the ruffles will give the room a more feminine feel, which might be nice amongst all the wood in the dining room."  I love you for that, I really do! :)

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Red, White & Blue