Inquiring minds wanna know...

What does your blog title mean? 
Ask and you shall receive...

Let my preface by saying I thought it was a little difficult to come up with a name.  First, because I spent twelve years in marketing and WAY over thought it... I wanted the name to be simple, easy to spell, without our family name in it in case some weirdo is reading the blog, something that could encompass more than just pictures and stories about the kids, easy to remember... you see. WAY over thought it!
Second, many of my so thought creative names were already taken.

Then I thought of Nine & Sixteen.  If there is such a thing as lucky numbers - those would be it for me. 

Let me explain.
No. 9
The 9th day of June this little cowboy was born.
I think I would have fallen in love, even if we met in preschool.
Then many years later on the 9th day of August, this one came along.
Hello, Andrew!

No. 16
Jimmy & I started dating when we were 16.
Then about 8 years later we were married.
 (sans crazy hairdos & ruffles)
On May 16th

And eventually this one came along. Hi, Charlie!
On October 16th

And there you have it.  Strange coincidence, no?
Good blog title?  I think so, even if it throws everyone off.
Have a lovely weekend!

Red, White & Blue


The Playroom